Good Ideas

Google Earth si aggiorna con mappe satellitari più dettagliate

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Nuove mappe satellitari con google earthE’ ufficiale, Google ha rilasciato nuove mappe satellitari martedì 14 marzo. L’annuncio ufficiale lo potete leggere direttamente dal sito di della Keyhole, casa produttrice di Google Earth.

Tra le zone aggiornate, notiamo subito le Maldive, paradisiache isole immerse nelle calde acque del Pacifico a nord ovest dell’India, popolate per la maggior parte da turisti in cerca di tranquillità. Alcune eccellenti fotografie ad alta risoluzione immortalano le isole dell’arcipelago. Possiamo scorgere, oltre alle isole anche tre aeroplani che le sorvolano ed una nave che si sta avvicinando ad un’isola. Cliccate qui per andare direttamente alle Maldive!!!

Ecco un elenco delle novità (in lingua inglese):

  • This new data is not in Google Local/Maps yet. – But, Google says it will be later.
  • The basemap for the whole Earth has been changed to another source called TrueEarth. This new data looks better than the old one. Look at all the continents more closely. The colors are much more vibrant and green. (Read one of the comments below which explains more about the TrueEarth data)
  • Most of Germany is now in high resolution
  • Some minor fixes to old data
  • It also appears many Tropical Islands are in higher resolution than before, this includes French Polynesia, some in the Caribbean and the Azores.
  • Even many of the Atolls in the Pacific Islands around French Polynesia are much sharper.
  • The beautiful shallow turquoise waters around the Bahamas have been put back
  • More of the islands in the Caribbean are in higher resolution (previously just fuzzy blotches) – e.g. some of the Grenadines.
  • New high resolution photos for parts of the Maldives Island group. I found this cool seaplane flying there.
  • The photo in Taiwan of the Taipei 101 tower shows it under construction now, whereas before it was finished (so an older photo now). Check out the 3D model of Taipei Tower if you want to really see it finished.

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